About the MG of BC Speakers Bureau

Let our Speakers Bureau enrich a meeting of your garden club or other organization with a presentation that's educational, colorful, and inspiring. Presentations can run from 30 to 90 minutes. There's no charge for a Master Gardener presentation/lecture. However, donations are gratefully accepted. The Master Gardeners of Bergen County is a not-for-profit organization.

To arrange for a speaker, contact Arnie Friedman, coordinator, at 201-707-5149 or Arnie1@mindspring.com.


We want you!

Do you have a passion for roses, house plants, evergreens, bulbs, or herbs? Would you like to share your passion on these or any other garden-related topic with others? The MG of BC Speakers Bureau would love for you to volunteer your knowledge and experience as a speaker. We can help you create a talk to present to a garden club, library audience, or other organization.

Earn volunteer hours for the time spent creating, revising, booking, and giving your presentation.

Contact us at info@mgofbc.com